Advancing as a Writer

Few people will look back at 2020 as a year of unheralded happiness. In a world filled with lock-downs, unemployment, political disquiet, and angst, many people turned to writing as a way of keeping sane.
And, surely, writing offers an unparalleled opportunity for therapy.
In 2016, the original members of the Grand River Writing Tribe banded together to focus on their craft while advancing toward publication. As an in-person community, we were as blindsided by quarantines as anyone. And, of course, we struggled to adapt. But one core learning from this experience is that lots of writers seek community in whatever way they can find it.
Our mission, therefore, now expands to include people from all over. No longer are we just one group of eight scribes. Now, we welcome everyone, for in-person or virtual groups — or some combination of the two.
Your art is too precious to let it flounder in this crazy madcap world. So, advance! Grow! Join the Tribe.
May the words be ever in your favor.