Submission Opportunities
Upcoming writing contests and deadlines for May/June 2021.

Some interesting upcoming submission opportunities for contests and and prizes from now through the end of June. Curated from P&W.
- James Laughlin Award (Academy of American Poets). Due 5/15. $0 fee, $5,000 cash prize plus weeklong residency in Miami Beach. For a second book of poetry of at least 48 pages under contract for publication in 2022.
- Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize (Academy of American Poets). Due 5/15. $75 fee, $25,000 prize plus 10-day residency in NY and distribution of book to all members of the Academy. For poetry book published in 2020.
- Emerging Writer's Contest (Ploughshares). Due 5/15. $24 fee, $2,000 prize plus consultation with a literary agent. Three prizes – one each for poetry, short story, and essay. Limited to authors who have not published a book/chapbook with a print run of more than 300.
- Raymond Carver Short Story Contest (Carve). Due 5/15. $17 fee, $2,000 prize and publication. For an unpublished short story of less than 10,000 words (lit fic only; no genre fiction).
- Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize (American Poetry Review). Due 5/15. $15 fee, $1,000 prize and publication. For a single poem by a poet under the age of 40.
- Fiction Award (Elixir Press). Due 5/31. $40 fee, $2,000 prize and publication. For a fiction manuscript of 12o to 500 pages.
- New Writers Award (Great Lakes College Association). Due 6/25. $0 fee, $500 prize. Three prizes for poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Must be submitted by publisher on behalf of author, and the work must be the author's first-published volume in the genre. Must have a publication imprint of 2020 or 2021.
- Prize in Flash Fiction (Lascaux Review). Due 6/30. $15 fee, $1,000 prize and publication. Previously published stories welcome. Limited to three submissions. Max 1,000 words.